Now often times I cant stand the notion of charity- dependency, privilege, and the disconnect between the giver and the "needy". As Bill Moyers says,
"Charity depends on the vicissitudes of whim and personal wealth; justice depends on commitment instead of circumstance. Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table; faith-based justice offers a place at the table."
Now organizing as a student was one thing, but doing this all while working 7 days a week with 2 jobs has proved difficult. Keeping my eyes forward on the greater goal is all thats kept me positive. I really have found myself to be quite a novice at many things in life.
Other lucidity while I'm at it...
Staying on a learning curve with relationships can be uncomfortable.
Working with children is more difficult than I had ever imagined. Not only do you have to tell them no to many things that they may get into, you have to justify and rationalize with illogical unbalanced immature humans. But they are beautiful as well. Congratulations to my best photographer friend Jelani Memory for his baby girl to be.
Loving long distance is crazy. But so is love. But maintaining and building in a virtual realm has me and my blackberry closer than ever.
Anyways...come to the ride if you're in los angeles. If not, follow along with the project at www.playforhope.org . One.
Working with children is more difficult than I had ever imagined. Not only do you have to tell them no to many things that they may get into, you have to justify and rationalize with illogical unbalanced immature humans. But they are beautiful as well. Congratulations to my best photographer friend Jelani Memory for his baby girl to be.
Loving long distance is crazy. But so is love. But maintaining and building in a virtual realm has me and my blackberry closer than ever.
Anyways...come to the ride if you're in los angeles. If not, follow along with the project at www.playforhope.org . One.
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