Monday, July 6, 2009

Hope for Life Home in Kabunga


We drew a huge crowd when we went to Kabunga's open market to play with the kids.

Last Saturday we took off for the second time to visit a home called Hope for Life. There are 14 boys in Kabunga, who have been given a second chance at life through the shelter that two college students helped establish just a four months ago.

Since March of this year these boys have been taken off the streets and given schooling, proper nutrition and love. In only this short time they have made great improvements in their health and outlook on life. While they act up at times, being in this environment has done wonders for them.

Its a simple example of how much change can be created by just a few individuals with a passion for the children of Rwanda. You can see more about this great project here:


within 2 minutes of showin up the the field we had drawn a crowd of over 200. The muzungu show was officially on!


Jess showin off her phenom heading skills


bike taxis look on to get a view of the action


bought some sukali at the local market, and tried our hand at eatin it


turns out they were a little more skilled than we were


our group at the kid's home